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Clients can use various equipment and instrumentation available in the facility to run tests and research at affordable pricing.

Laboratory Equipment

Clients can access a list of the equipment at PGC Visayas that can be utilized for their research needs.

Disclaimer: The brands and products mentioned in this document are included solely for research and reference purposes to help clients identify and evaluate equipment that may suit their needs. This is not a sponsored feature, and we do not endorse, promote, or receive compensation from any of the brands or manufacturers listed.

Equipment List

Biosafety Cabinet

Brand/Model: Labconco Logic+ Class II Type A2


Brand/Model: Biobase FH1200 (A)

Laminar Flow PCR Cabinet

Brand/Mode: Airclean System AC600  

Laboratory flaked ice maker

Brand/Model: Biobase FIM60 Flake Ice Maker

Electrophoresis System

Brand/Model: Advance Mupid One


Brand/Model: Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer RNA/DNA/Protein Analyzer


Brand/Model: Thermo Fisher Qubit 4.0

Standard microcentrifuge

Brand/Model: Thermo Scientific Heraeus Pico 17

Refrigerated microcentrifuge

Brand/Mode: Thermo Scientific Fresco 17

Balance, semi microanalytical

Brand/Model: Shimadzu AUW120D

Balance, Top Loading

Brand/Model: Sartorius Practum 2102-1S

Balance, Analytical

Brand/Model: Sartorius Quintix224-1S

Probe-type Ultrasonicator

Brand/Model: Qsonica Q700


Brand/Model: Bio-Rad Mini Protean Tetra Cell

Hot plate with stirrer

Brand/Model: Thermo Scientific SP88857107

Water Bath

Brand/Model: Julabo Pura 14 Water Bath bath

Heat/cooling Block​

Brand/Model: Hercuvan TT-100 DHC

Shaker incubator

Brand/Model: Heidolph Unimax 1010

Heating Dry Bath

Brand/Model: Cleaver Scientific TCDB-02 The Cube Dry Bath

Incubator cabinet

Brand/Model: Binder BD 115-240V US Version

Bath-type Sonicator​

Brand/Model: Elmasonic Elma Easy 300


Brand/Model: ALP CL-32L

Water Purification System

Brand/Model: Merck Milli-Q Integral 3Water Purification System

Gel Documentation System​

Brand/Model: Bio-Rad Molecular Imager Gel Doc XR+

Swing bucket centrifuge

Brand/Model: Beckman Coulter Avanti J-15R

Automated DNA/RNA Extraction Machine

Brand/Model: Thermo Fisher Kingfisher Duo Prime System

Real-time PCR

Brand/Model: Bio-Rad CFX96 Touch Real time PCR Detection System

Gradient Thermal Cycler

Brand/Model: Bio-Rad T100 Thermal Cycler

Thermal Cycler

Brand/Model: Thermo VeritiPro

Thermal Cycler

Brand/Model: Applied Biosystems™ SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler


Brand/Model: Thermo NanoDrop Eight Spectrophotometer

Microvolume Spectrophotometer

Brand/Model: Thermo Fisher Multiskan Sky

Micropipettor Sets

Brand/Model: Sartorius Proline Plus LH-728672

Micropipettor Sets

Brand/Model: Thermo Scientific Finnpipette F2


Brand/Model: Sartorius Proline Mechanical Pipettor

Electronic Pipette

Brand/Model: Thermo Scientific™ Novus Electronic Single-Channel Pipettes

Multi-Channel Micropipettor

Brand/Model: Multichannel P10, P100 Thermo F2

Single Channel Micropipettor

Brand/Model: Eppendorf Research Plus Micropipette

Bunsen burner with footswitch

Brand/Model: WLD-TEC Fuego Pro

Loop sterilizer

Brand/Model: Dlab ST800-E

Magnetic Rack

Brand/Model: Thermo Dynamag-2

Magnetic Rack for Plates

Brand/Model: DynaMag 96-side magnet


Brand/Model: Illumina NextSeq 1000 System


Brand/Model: Illumina iSeq 100 System

Flow Cytometer

Brand/Model: Thermo Fisher Attune NxT

Vortex Mixer​

Brand/Model: DLAB MX-F

Vortex Mixer

Brand/Model: Thermo Scientific LP

Basic Chip Vortex

Brand/Model: IKA MS 3 Vortexer

Plate Vortex Mixer

Brand/Model: DLAB MX-M

Standard Microcentrifuge

Brand/Model: DLAB D3024

Standard Minifuge

Brand/Model: Biobase Mini-10K+

Standard minifuge

Brand/Model: Dlab D1008

Plate Spinner

Brand/Model: Yooning MP-2500

Strip tube minifuge

Brand/Model: OniLab D1008

Storage Refrigerators and Freezers

Storage Freezer, -20°C

Brand/Model: Gram BioLine BioCompact RF410

Storage Freezer, -86°C

Brand/Model: Arctiko ULUF 450

Storage Refrigerator, 1°C to 7°C

Brand/Model: Panasonic NR-BD460VPDH

Storage Refrigerator, 0°C to 7°C

Brand/Model: Whirlpool 6WBI160 USS

Storage Freezer, -20°C to -30°C

Brand/Model: PHCbi MDF-U5312-PK

Storage Freezer, -20°C to -30°C

Brand/Model: PHCbi Biomedical Freezer MDF-U334-PK

Storage Freezer,
-50°C to -90°C

Brand/Model: TwinGuard ULT Freezers (-86°C)

Storage Freezer,
2°C to 14°C

Brand/Model: PHCbi Pharmaceutical Refrigerator MPR-S313-PK
